About the Journal
The KJEB (official abbreviation: Korean J. Environ. Biol.; Korean name: 환경생물) is the official journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology (KOSEB). The KJEB was launched in 1983 and published once a year until 1985. Thanks to KOSEB’s continuous growth, the KJEB has gradually developed, with publications twice a year from 1986 to 1997 and four times a year from 1998 to the present. The KJEB is issued regularly on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 and has been listed on the Korea Citation Index (KCI) of the National Research Foundation of Korea since 2018. The KJEB publishes papers in Korean and English. Korean papers provide titles, contributions to environmental biology, abstracts, tables, and figures in English so that foreign readers can understand the research results. Papers published in KJEB are freely accessible online to anyone from the journal’s homepage, regardless of KOSEB membership, to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of research findings.
1. Readership
KJEB primarily targets scholars in the fields of environmental science or biology. The readership of KJEB includes not only researchers but also policy makers aiming for the conservation of environmental and biological diversity, decision makers in research institutions and companies, educators teaching environmental and biological sciences, as well as students interested in these fields.
2. Detailed Information
Journal Title | Korean Journal of Environmental Biology |
Journal Abbreviation | Korean J. Environ. Biol. |
Acronym | KJEB |
Publication Date | 1983. 09. ~ present |
Frequency | Quarterly (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31) |
Publisher | Korean Society of Environmental Biology https://koseb.org/index.html |
Language | Korean, English |
pISSN | 1226-9999 |
eISSN | 2287-7851 |
DOI Prefix | 10.11626 |
Continues | - |
Broad Subject Terms | Ecology Environmental Toxicology Conservation Biology Biodiversity and Biological Resources Ecological Engineering |
Open Access | Although not Open Access, all papers are freely available on the website |
Indexed/Traced/Covered by | Korea Citation Index (KCI) https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/main.kci Research Information Sharing Service (RISS) https://www.riss.kr/index.do ScienceCentral https://www.e-sciencecentral.org/ Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/?oi=gsb00&lookup=0&hl=ko Digital Object Identifier (DOI) https://www.doi.org/ CrossMark https://www.crossref.org/services/crossmark/ CrossRef https://www.crossref.org/ |
3. Open Access
KJEB is not an Open Access journal, and the copyright of published papers is owned by KOSEB. However, all published papers are freely available and distributed. Permission of the KJEB’s editorial board is required for resale or distribution outside the KJEB and for all other derivative works, including compilations and translations. In general, the editorial board permits permission requests other than for commercial purposes.
4. Subscription
All published papers of KJEB are available for download as full-text PDF files on the official website. The society office keeps 30 copies in print. If you wish to order a print copy or require additional information, please contact the society office.
Office of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology
President: Mihwa Mog
Address: Rm. 1514, Yeoksam Hyundai Venturetel 20, Teheran-ro 25-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06132, Korea.
Tel.: +82-70-8825-5449
E-mail: koseb@naver.com
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)

Frequency quarterly
Doi Prefix 10.11626/KJEB.
Year of Launching 1983
Publisher Korean Society of Environmental Biology

Online Submission
Korean Society of Environmental Biology
Contact info
Any inquiries concerning Journal (all manuscripts,
reviews, and notes) should be addressed to the managing
editor of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology.
Yongeun Kim,
Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea.
E-mail: kyezzz@korea.ac.kr /
Tel: +82-2-3290-3496 / +82-10-9516-1611