Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief Hyuk Je Lee Sangji University, Korea
Associate Editor-in-Chief Ikju Park University of Clifornia Riverside, USA
Chi-Yong Ahn Korea Research Insititute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea
Managing editor Yongeun Kim Korea University, Korea
Associate managing editor Jinsol Hong Korea University, Korea
Editor Ecology
Myung Hyun Kim National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Korea
Hyun-Jun Kim Chonnam National University, Korea
Seung Ho Baek Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Korea
Ho Young Soh Chonnam National University, Korea
Kwang-Guk An Chungnam National University, Korea
Hong-Shik Oh Jeju National University, Korea
Hee Young Yun Hanyang University, Korea
Doo-Hyung Lee Gachon University, Korea
Hwang Goo Lee Sangji University, Korea
Hyun Jung Cho Bethune-Cookman University, USA
Environmental Toxicology
Chitchol Phalaraksh Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Yang Xu Yuxi Normal University, China
Jang-Seu Ki Sangmyung University, Korea
Min-Sik Kim Kemin Industries, USA
In-Hyun Nam Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea
Kiyun Park Chonnam National University, Korea
Jung-Joon Park Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Yun-Sik Lee Pusan National University, Korea
Consevation Biology
Gonzalo Machado-Schiaffino University of Oviedo, Spain
Dong Gun Kim Sahmyook University, Korea
Sang Rul Park Jeju National University, Korea
I-Chan Shin Korea National Park Research Institute, Korea
Kyeong-Sik Cheon Sangji University, Korea
Sun Hee Hong Hankyoung National University, Korea
Sungwon Hong Kyungpook National University, Korea
Biodiversity and Biological Resources
Kazumi Matsuoka Nagasaki University, Japan
Long Jin Nanjing Forestry University, China
Hyun Soo Rho Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Korea
Bum Soo Park Hanyang University, Korea
Kyong In Suh Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources, Korea
Hyun Ju Oh Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency, Korea
Hee-Mock Oh Korea Research Insititute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea
Jae-Hyoung Joo Honam National Institute of Biological Resources, Korea
Eun Kyoung Hwang National Institute of Fisheries Science, Korea
Ecological Engineering
Bhumi Nath Tripathi Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, India
Young-Mo Kim Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Gui-Sook Nam Rural Research Institute, Korea
Jason Park Babbage Consultants, New Zealand
Yoon-E Choi Korea University, Korea

Role of Editorial Board Members

Role of editor-in-chief

The editor-in-chief (EIC) is responsible for making the final decision on the publication of manuscripts by synthesizing the opinions of reviewers and editors, and holds ultimate responsibility for published papers. Additionally, the EIC has the authority to determine publishing and editorial policies for the advancement of Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (KJEB), convene the editorial board, and preside over meetings. The EIC may recommend the recognition of outstanding papers to the Academic Awards Committee and report cases of research misconduct to the Research Ethics Committee. Regularly attending the society’s board meetings, the EIC provides updates on the publication status and budget of KJEB, as well as reports on future operational plans. Furthermore, the EIC may invite outstanding academic papers to KJEB, and recommend competent researchers to serve as members of the editorial board to the society’s president.

Role of associate editor-in-chief

The associate editor-in-chief (AEIC) assists the EIC in determining the operational plans of KJEB and performs tasks to enhance the academic quality of published papers. The AEIC may make final judgments on manuscripts for which the review process is complete in place of the EIC or provide input to the EIC. It is the responsibility of the AEIC to formulate operational strategies and development directions for KJEB and report them to the EIC, as well as to invite outstanding researchers as reviewers. Additionally, the AEIC reviews papers published in KJEB and supplements detailed submission and publication regulations.

Role of editors

The editors, organized into five subfields (Ecology, Environmental toxicology, Conservation biology, Biodiversity and biological resources, and Ecological engineering), strive to enhance the quality of manuscripts within their respective areas. They meticulously review the academic quality and compliance with research ethics of submitted manuscripts. Editors may invite additional reviewers for submitted papers and present their initial decision to the EIC based on the comprehensive opinions of the reviewers. Furthermore, editors can propose additional regulations and strategies for the enhancement of KJEB’s academic standards to the EIC and AEIC.

Role of managing editor

The managing editor (ME) evaluates submitted manuscripts to ensure compliance with KJEB's guidelines and conducts similarity and duplication checks using software. The ME may request authors to address any deficiencies related to the format and writing style of the manuscript. Additionally, the ME checks for typographical errors and evaluates the quality of figures and tables. The ME facilitates the manuscript correction process between the publisher and the authors and assists authors with their final proofs. Furthermore, the ME provides responses to inquiries from authors and society members regarding the journal and guides them on the progress of submitted manuscripts.

Role of associate managing editor

The associate managing editor (AME) assists the ME in ensuring the smooth progress of manuscript submission and publication. The AME reviews reference-related errors and typographical errors in accepted papers. By reporting areas requiring improvement to the ME, the AME addresses issues related to the completeness of manuscripts. Additionally, the AME responds to inquiries regarding the status of submitted manuscripts from authors.

Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)

Journal Abbreviation 'Korean J. Environ. Biol.'
Frequency quarterly
Doi Prefix 10.11626/KJEB.
Year of Launching 1983
Publisher Korean Society of Environmental Biology
Indexed/Tracked/Covered By

Contact info

Any inquiries concerning Journal (all manuscripts, reviews, and notes) should be addressed to the managing editor of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology. Yongeun Kim,
Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea.
E-mail: kyezzz@korea.ac.kr /
Tel: +82-2-3290-3496 / +82-10-9516-1611