Manuscript Preparation

1. Checklist Before Submission

1) All manuscripts should be written in Korean or English using Hangul word processor (HWP) or Microsoft office word programs. The manuscript submitted must be formatted on A4-size paper. All manuscript contents, including figures and tables, must be included in a single word processor file.

2) The manuscript should have a title, author’s name and affiliation, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address of the corresponding author, and running title on the title page.

3) Scientific names of organisms should appear in italics.

4) The statutes of the National Geographic Information Institute are helpful for spelling Korean geographical names in English.

5) The International System of Units (SI) should be used (e.g., μg-1 and mgC cm-3 hr-1).

6) Tables, figures, and plate captions should be written in English. Also, all characters included in tables and figures must be written in English.

2. Manuscript Structure

Sections are separated by sequential numbering (1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, etc.). Subsections can be numbered as follows: 2.1. Study sites, 2.2. Experimental design, 2.2.1. Exposure tests, 2.2.2. Chemical analysis, etc. Numbers are assigned only to sections from the introduction to the conclusion, and brief headings must appear for all assigned subsection numbers. Consecutive line numbers must appear from the introduction to the conclusion. There is no need to indicate line numbers anywhere else in the manuscript. The manuscript should consist of the following sections:

1) Introduction: Clearly present the purpose and necessity of the study and introduce the related background. Rather than listing the results of previous research in detail, the importance of the authors’ research should be logically explained.

2) Materials and Methods: The methods and tools of the study must be described in detail and precisely so that other researchers can reproduce the authors’ work. A reference for each method should be clearly stated, and the modification of an existing method should be explained in detail. The model name, company name, and city and country where the company of the research materials, tools, and equipment is located should be described in parentheses in that order.

3) Results: Results should be clear and concise. Dividing the results into proper subsections is recommended to improve readability.

4) Discussion: Academic discussion on research findings and relevant references should appear. It is also possible to compose a manuscript by integrating the “Discussion” section and “Results” section into a “Results and Discussion” section.

5) Conclusions: This is an optional section briefly explaining the critical conclusions of the study. The “Conclusion” section may also appear as a subsection of the “Discussion” section.

3. Format of Manuscript

1) In general, manuscripts should be organized in the following order: (1) manuscript type, (2) title, (3) author names, (4) affiliations, (5) running title (short title), (6) abstract (including five keywords), (7) contribution to environmental biology, (8) introduction, (9) materials and methods, (10) results, (11) discussion, (12) conclusions, (13) Korean abstract, (14) CRediT authorship contribution statement, (15) declaration of competing interests, (16) acknowledgments, and (17) references. Tables and figures can be placed in appropriate places between paragraphs or in sequential order after a list of references.

2) The title, name, and affiliations of Korean manuscripts should be written in both English and Korean, and those of English manuscripts should be written only in English. The author’s affiliation is distinguished by superscripts 1, 2, 3, etc.

3) A running title in English of 10 words or less should appear on the first page.

4) The corresponding author’s name should be marked with an asterisk (*), and the corresponding author’s phone number, fax number, and e-mail address should be written on the manuscript’s first page. The fax number can be omitted, and the phone number is the office phone number, not a cell phone number.

5) The English abstract should not be longer than 250 words. Since the abstract is often presented separately from the article, it must be able to stand alone. Five keywords should be presented after the abstract.

6) Two to three sentences about the contribution of the authors’ research to the field of environmental biology should appear in the “Contribution to Environmental Biology’ section.” The description should be concise and to the point.

7) All figures must have sufficient resolution (i.e., high pixel number), and the characters within the figure must be clearly identifiable. All figures and tables must be included in the manuscript file.

8) The references cited in the text and the references in the reference list must match exactly. References cited in the text and the list of references must be written in English only. The references should be written according to the standard reference style of the KJEB as follows.

8-1) Citation in text: Multiple references are listed in chronological order, and references from the same publication year are listed alphabetically. More than one reference from the same author in the same year must be identified by the letters a, b, c, etc., placed after the year of publication, for example, Kim 2000; Kim 2001a; Lee and Park 2002; Park et al. 2002; Choi and Hong 2010; An et al. 2020.

8-2) Reference list: References in the reference list are listed alphabetically and in chronological order when the authors are the same. DOI-assigned references must include the DOI linking address at the end of each reference.

Journal publication reference:
Kim AB, BC Park, CD Choi, EF Na and JH Lee. 2023. Guidelines of the standard reference style for authors. Korean J. Environ. Biol. 20:100–115.

Book chapter reference:
Kim AB, BC Park and CD Choi. 2023. Write the title of the book chapter here. pp. 100–110. In: Write the Title of the Book Here (Ju EF, GH Go and IJ Won, eds.). Publisher name. City name, Country name. (DOI address, if available)

Book reference:
Kim AB, BC Park and CD Choi. 2023. Write the Title of the Book Here. Publisher name. City name, Country name. pp. 23–45. (DOI address, if available)

Report reference:
Kim AB, BC Park and CD Choi. 2023. Write the Title of the Report Here. Report No. 123-04. Institution name. City name, Country name. pp. 50–54. (DOI address, if available)

Website reference:

Korean Institute of Environmental Biology. 2023. Write the Title of the Webpage. Accessed January 15, 2023.

Proceedings and oral/poster conference presentation reference:
Kim AB, BC Park and CD Choi. 2023. Write the title of the presentation here. pp. 34–35. In: Proceedings of the Conference Name. Academic Society Name. The city name where the conference was held, Country name.

Dissertation/thesis reference:
Kim AB. 2023. Write the title of the dissertation/thesis here. Type of papers (M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation). The university name where the dissertation/thesis was completed. The name of the city where the university is located, Country name.

Reference to unpublished work:
Kim AB, BC Park and CD Choi. 2023. Write the title of the manuscript here. Write the status of the manuscript here (in press, submitted for publication, or prepared for submission).

Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)

Journal Abbreviation 'Korean J. Environ. Biol.'
Frequency quarterly
Doi Prefix 10.11626/KJEB.
Year of Launching 1983
Publisher Korean Society of Environmental Biology
Indexed/Tracked/Covered By

Contact info

Any inquiries concerning Journal (all manuscripts, reviews, and notes) should be addressed to the managing editor of the Korean Society of Environmental Biology. Yongeun Kim,
Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea.
E-mail: /
Tel: +82-2-3290-3496 / +82-10-9516-1611